Friday, February 23, 2007

Political typology

According to Pew's political typology, I am a "liberal." No surprise there...

It states that 17 percent of the public are liberals; 19 percent of registered voters are liberals.


Anonymous said...

Try Political Compass. It allows for two dimensions, which is much better than Pew's (typically American) insistence that there can be only one.

And thanks for all of your comments at F&V. One of these days I will get around to linking your blog there.

Alex said...

I saw the link--thanks!! I've been looking for a new title for the blog for a while now, and your link made me realize that I should just make my URL into my regular title...

I have done Political Compass... I'll have to do it again and post the results. I came out liberal/left on both axes I believe.