Thursday, January 17, 2008

New Spanish anthem lyrics rejected...again

Yet again, Spaniards are unable to agree on an anthem. This time the idea was propelled by Spain's Olympic Committee, with the hope of having lyrics for Spain's athletes to sing in time for the next Olympics. Lyrics by a self-described unemployed "loser" from La Mancha were chosen by the panel of experts. Paulino Cubero said that "I wrote the anthem for the fatherland of the average people, of those that take the metro to go to work."

Apparently, the objections mainly came from the left, and wisely, Zapatero doesn't seem to have said much at all. Rajoy apparently didn't comment, while the leader of the small United Left, Gaspar Llamazares, was quite critical. However, there's been enough objections that the Committee has shelved the proposal, which was supposed to be debuted by Placido Domingo.

Honestly, if they can't agree on these lyrics, which ones will they agree on?

¡Viva España!
Cantemos todos juntos
con distinta voz
y un solo corazón
¡Viva España!
desde los verdes valles
al inmenso mar,
un himno de hermandad
Ama a la patria
pues sabe abrazar,
bajo su cielo azul,
pueblos en libertad
Gloria a los hijos
que a la Historia dan
justicia y grandeza
democracia y paz.

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